About Us
Vijanatz Industries limited is registered social enterprise company to carry on the following businesses.
Mining, extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth.
Farming, export of goods/products locally and internationally and all its related services within the farming export industries.
Services of importation and exportation medical equipment and devices
Services of importation and exportation of beekeeping equipment and honey products.
Purchase, own or otherwise acquire lands, real property, easements, rights and other property real or personal for the purpose and conductive to the objects of the company.
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Working Hours
Mon-Sat 08:00-06:00

To unleash the potential of youth and women through information technology, mindset and behavior change, leadership, entrepreneurship and employability.

Connect with Us
Contact us via given details to book appointment
We will set up meeting with experts for you.
Execute & install
Experts will execute plans
To unleash the potential of youth and women through information technology, mindset and behavior change, leadership, entrepreneurship and employability.
Empowered and resilient youth and women, leading a prosperous and healthy life.